News Release

2018 Nov 17
AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited

AEON Day: Tree Caring Day

As one of the environmental initiatives for celebrating its 30th Anniversary, AEON has been working on a two-year Country Park Plantation Enrichment Project with The Conservancy Association, which aims to enhance the biodiversity and ecological environment of plantation in Hong Kong through planting natively tree species, followed by monitoring, caring and biodiversity surveys. AEON 30th Anniversary Tree Planting Day was held on 29 April 2017. Participants planted a total of 450 tree seedlings in Tai Lam Country Park. Later on in December 2017, April 2018 and November 2018, three Tree Caring Day were held in the same venue.

On 17th November, Tree Caring Day was held to follow up the growth of the seedlings. A total of 45 volunteers comprised of customers and staff members gathered once again in Tai Lam Country Park to visit the saplings planted in April 2017. Participants were divided into nine teams and set off to the tree planting site located on a steep hillside. They first identified and recorded the health condition of each of the saplings with measurement of their height and diameter; and then, removed the weeds nearby the saplings. Some of them have grown up to over 1 meter!

Since lush weeds and fallen trees were resulted in the typhoon season, searching of saplings has become more difficult. Nevertheless, all participants worked very hard to complete the tree caring tasks. It is hoped that the seedlings would continuously grow into lush and healthy forest in the future!

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About AEON Stores
AEON Stores was established in Hong Kong in 1985 and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1994. The Group is mainly engaged in the operation of general merchandise stores (GMS). Currently, it operates 10 GMS, 2 independent supermarkets, 33 independent Living PLAZA by AEON, 30 independent Daiso Japan, 1 independent Bento Express by AEON and 4 Mono Mono and 3 KOMEDA'S Coffee in densely populated districts in Hong Kong. It also operates 21 GMS and 15 independent supermarkets in Guangdong Province, the PRC.

For more information:
AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited
Corporate Communication Department
Tel.:(852)2165 0777

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